Zinemath Zrt Software


Zinemath zKey


Bluefish444 Compatible with Windows and Thunderbolt

zLense’s zKey™ 3D keying system uses depth information to separate the foreground talent from the background, creating an alpha channel in real time. It is depth-based keying, no green or blue screen needed.

Bluefish444 Epoch video cards capture uncompressed HD-SDI video from the camera and the depth information from the zKey™ hardware. The captured depth information and the video are processed by zKey™ software, an alpha channel is generated, and both are played out as 4:2:2:4 Fill and Key SDI.

zKey™ now fully integrated with NDI, streaming depth image and distance data in real-time as a meta data. Using the new zLense Plug-in, zKey™ output can be used with the popular Direct X based rendering engines like Unity, Unreal and camera support systems, sliders and tracking system like zLense's zTrack and others. zKey™ depth processing core can send depth data, distance and matte on a production ready way, making it easy to use it with the latest generation production software. The distance can control and generate interactive actions based on the talent's movements.

The Bluefish444 SDI output with fill and key data is captured by a second system with Epoch video hardware for use inside a 3D renderer, in this case Unity, which then composites a live scene with video data from the camera and CG material rendered within Unity. The final composited image is played out of Epoch video hardware ready for broadcast.


  • Depth-based keying
  • No solid color background needed
  • Integrated with camera track systems like zLense’s zTrack
  • Integrated with Direct X based rendering engines like Unity, Unreal
  • Integrated with the new generation Direct X based On-Air Graphics systems
  • Integrated with MOS protocol

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