Digital Navigation Software

Digital Navigation Capio


Bluefish444 Compatible with Windows and Thunderbolt

Capio is an ‘advanced ingestion module’ with multimedia streaming, transcoding, and real-time audio-video capturing. Capio boasts of up to four channels of simultaneous ingest with Bluefish444 video I/O.

Capio is used in media production houses, news channels, critical archive operations, control rooms, media monitoring centres and TV channels worldwide.

It allows simultaneous content capturing from sources without any frame loss. Capture and streaming starts instantly with no lost or dropped video frames.

Capio ingest is verified to be reliable under complex & known for its robust operation, even in 24/7 operation scenario.


  • Scheduled capturing of feeds
  • Up to four instances in a single screen
  • Up to four independent ingest channels using a single server with Bluefish video card SDI
  • Loudness/true peak audio meters available at runtime
  • Intuitive and easy-to-use interface
  • HD capturing (optional)
  • File splitting based on duration
  • Add metadata during ingest including position markers, notes, etc.
  • Automated RS-422 VTR control with batch capturing lists

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