Dataton Software



Bluefish444 Compatible with Windows and Thunderbolt

WATCHOUT multi-display software is your fast track to creating spectacular shows. Use WATCHOUT to compose and manage all the different media elements in your show – video, still images, animations, graphics, live feeds, sound – and then play it back on multiple displays. Perfectly synchronized, high resolution and right-on-cue.

WATCHOUT is easily integrated and controls external units or devices. It has no limitations on displays, channels or resolutions. With over 15 years of unrivalled performance and reliability, WATCHOUT is the choice of professional show creators worldwide.

WATCHOUT is used in live events, 3D mapping, broadcast, digital signage, museums, planetariums, show rooms, visitor attractions and experience centers. In other words – virtually any market or application where you want multiple display devices and maximum impact.

Bluefish444’s Epoch | Neutron, 4K Neutron, Supernova CG and Supernova S+ video cards can be used for SDI capture within WATCHOUT as a live input for the production.


  • Uncompressed playback of video or images
  • No limits on the number of display devices
  • Any resolution or aspect ratio
  • Map pixels to LED walls
  • User-friendly, timeline-based show creation tool
  • Projection mapping onto 3D model or surfaces
  • Capture multiple streams through low-latency Bluefish444 cards
  • NDI/Live IP production workflow

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