
Archival with Bluefish444 video cards.

Video archive requires exacting standards and a strong emphasis on quality to ensure that every pixel is preserved. Bluefish444 video hardware features unrivalled image quality and when combined with IngeSTore multi-channel capture software, provides a cost-effective and efficient archive solution. 

Multi-card support, independent video modes per-channel, full-duplex DMA, world-class reliability and extremely low-latency, as standard on all Bluefish hardware, means that the archive process is completed efficiently, and at the highest possible quality.

Bluefish IngeSTore software and the IngeSTore Server 3G appliance fit perfectly into archival workflows, delivering multiple channels of simultaneous 3G/HD/SD capture from Digital and Analogue sources. Bluefish444 recommends that analogue video sources use our Synapse ANA140 Analogue to SDI signal converter for the best quality conversion for archive workflows.

Bluefish IngeSTore Server 3G is a dedicated 3RU Server, able to capture 4 independent streams of HD/SD or 2 streams of 3G video from separate SDI sources simultaneously. Capture multiple channels of video to local or network storage into Uncompressed, JPEG2000 and FFV1 archival formats, as well as popular broadcast, post-production, and proxy formats.

All Bluefish video cards come with options for surround sound AES/EBU audio, analogue audio, LTC I/O and RS-422 machine control, to ensure that all sources can be preserved at their very best.

To enable recordings to comply with any required standards, Bluefish video cards can also be used for quality control.

Bluefish hardware is compatible with the following software for archival workflows. Click on a graphic to learn more about Bluefish integration:

Bluefish444 SDK
Bluefish444 IngeSTore
Adobe Creative Suite CC. Audition, Premiere Pro, SpeedGrade, After Effects.
Avid Media Composer Pro Tools.
Drastic Technologies Media NXS, Preview Pro & videoQC.

Bluefish444 has direct OEM integration with:


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